How to use AI for content writing?

How to Use AI for Real Estate Content Creation?

How to Use AI for Content Writing?   Should I spend hundreds of dollars on hiring a copywriter? Or should I invest a few bucks in AI writing software?  The hype of AI is everywhere, and the real estate industry is no exception. In the last 12 months, I have seen thousands of AI-generated real…

How to Use AI for Content Writing?


Should I spend hundreds of dollars on hiring a copywriter? Or should I invest a few bucks in AI writing software? 

The hype of AI is everywhere, and the real estate industry is no exception. In the last 12 months, I have seen thousands of AI-generated real estate articles. One client approached me after publishing 160 AI-generated real estate articles without any results. That’s the scary part of using AI. AI-written content can result in a penalty from search engines. And it can offend human readers too. 

The question is: how can you use AI without negatively impacting your SEO rankings?

How is Gen AI Used in Real Estate? 

AI has been there for a long time. Think of chatbots or the email signup box that suddenly pops up when browsing websites. It’s nothing new, but right now the AI innovation is happening on a scale. 

There are literally hundreds of AI writing tools out there. For the sake of simplicity, I am not going to talk about those tools. I actually reached out to real estate experts who are using AI for content creation.

How to Use AI for Content Creation?

Successful real estate agents are using AI to generate property descriptions, and it works. Why? 

It works because, as a realtor, you’re the expert. You know the property. You know the local market.  You can generate effective property descriptions by tweaking your input. Even if AI doesn’t generate a stunning description, you can still get a decent output and edit it. 

I was talking to Keith Saint, CEO of a house buying firm, and he told me about his experience generating property descriptions with AI. 

In his words, “I have seen an increase in engagement and leads from using AI-generated content. For example, a recent property listing that had an AI-generated description received more inquiries and showings compared to previous listings with manually written descriptions. That’s because we use specific keywords and phrases that attract potential buyers or renters.”

Sometimes, AI-generated content tends to have a more professional, polished tone, which can be appealing to potential clients in the competitive real estate market. That’s especially true if you’re not an accomplished business writer but would like to get professional text with minimum effort. With some effort, you can train the AI to write in your voice suitable for your industry. 

What is the Best Use of AI in Content Writing? 

Keith further mentions that the best use of AI is to create multiple variations from a single piece of content. That’s my favorite part about using AI. Once you have perfected the tone and crafted an article after spending several hours, you can utilize AI to repurpose the content. Think of writing an evergreen article and then repurposing the content for Youtube, TikTok, and social media. With AI, you can simply input the necessary information and receive several versions of the same content within seconds.

It takes me around 10-15 hours to write a well-researched real estate blog (1500–3000 words). The time goes up if I need to interview experts or decode commercial agreements. However, once I have done the heavy lifting, I no longer need to expend the same effort in creating social media posts. I can feed my content to AI and have it come up with a few short posts. I just need to review the tone of the posts, and most of them are ready to go. 

Keep in mind: That happens because I am already the subject expert and I can catch errors in a second. I am able to adjust the tone because I have already written the article and am only using AI to save time. 

Should I Be Using AI (Personally) to Create Real Estate Content? 

Create real estate content with AI

You are a real estate expert, but I know you lack one thing. And that’s my friend, “time.” Most experts don’t have enough time in the world to create all the content they desire. 

It doesn’t matter if AI speeds up things and makes you write content 10X faster. 

I was talking to Danny Colacicco, a busy realtor. We discussed the use of AI for busy agents who don’t have enough time to write long blogs or to even hire a dedicated copywriter. 

How Does Creating Content with AI Save You Time?

“As a busy real estate agent, I don’t always have the time to write engaging and informative content for my website or social media platforms. That’s where AI comes in.

Using AI tools for content creation has not only saved me time but also helped improve the quality of my content. With AI, I am able to generate unique and relevant ideas for blog posts, property descriptions, and social media captions. This saves me from having to constantly come up with new ideas on my own.

For example, when creating property descriptions, AI can analyze data and trends in the market to suggest keywords and phrases that will attract potential buyers. This helps me tailor my content to appeal to the target audience and improve its visibility on search engines. Additionally, AI can help with proofreading and editing, ensuring that my content is error-free and professional. This has greatly improved the overall quality of my written materials.”

How to Create Top-Ranking Content with the Help of AI? 

Professional real estate copywriters always start with the end goal in mind. What feeling do you want to stir in the prospect? What is the end result? How will you empower your reader to buy your service or product? 

That’s why professional real estate writers begin with the headline. You establish the structure. You research your audience, you create a tone, and then you create titles, headings, and an outline. Believe it or not, a lot of copywriting work happens before you have even written a word. And that’s still the job of a copywriter.

Adam Harrari from Proptrends says: “My advice would be to invest in a professional AI content writing software; make sure it does internal/external linking and creates content that can pass a Google sniff test. It should also enable you to craft your own headlines and subsequently produce content related to those headlines. That is the best way to create engagement with your website and increase organic traffic.”

We Believe Human Content is Better

Keith Matthews has a different perspective. He believes using AI for your content strategy is the right step. In his words, “We have to use AI to generate topic ideas and create initial outlines, which helps us focus on delivering locally relevant, expert-level content. However, our human team members handle all the writing and editing to ensure a nuanced touch. Recently, we have noticed an overall brand lift in markets where we’ve directed our AI content creation efforts.”

My Thoughts on AI Content Creation

Should I hire a real estate copywriter? Or should I create real estate content using AI? My honest answer: Don’t just rely on AI to create your content. You are better off creating content with human empathy, insights, cheerful angles, and compassion. Don’t bombard your website with unwanted, fluff, machine-sounding articles. Publish meaningful content. 

The rule of the thumb: Choose a topic. Let’s say you want to talk about the best AI marketing tools out there. Go to Google and sort out the top 30 or 50 search results. Choose the best-performing articles. Don’t just look into SEO ranking. Read the content and be honest with yourself. Which article/video/post impresses you the most? Find the most helpful content on the given topic and then create something better on the same topic. 

That’s the story, folks! It doesn’t matter if you write content or if AI does it for you. The goal is to create outstanding, helpful content that’s better than anything published earlier on the web. 

How can I create AI content without seeing a hit in search results? 

Avoid AI Content

Save the Web Pollution

We are limiting the use of plastic to save Earth. I suspect we will need to limit the website content to protect our planet. AI-based systems consume significant amounts of energy during training. We don’t have space on this planet for redundant, fluff-filled content. Each piece of content consumes electricity, brain power, and server space when hosted online. Let’s try to save the planet by becoming conscious of our content choices. 

Please don’t create another blog because you have to. Write another post if it has the potential to improve the online community. Write for humans because ultimately AI is not going to purchase your house. If it does, the currency it pays will not be to your liking.

Alternatively, you could hire an experienced real estate writer to produce high-quality content for your audience. Hint: I am a seasoned real estate writer looking to collaborate with creative and busy entrepreneurs. Send me a message on LinkedIn or just fill out the “contact us” form here. 

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